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SPACE Yoga School


(+100hr self-study)

Led by Catia & Cherry

The SPACE 300hr Foundational Teacher Training is a fully inclusive course, suitable for all ages and abilities, and grounded in our passion to empower all students to take the next step on their yoga journey. Led by senior teacher and SPACE co-founder Catia Leite  and SPACE/Brighton legend Cherry Bennalick this welcoming and comprehensive course will provide you with a strong teaching methodology, excellent technical understanding of asana and human anatomy, and thorough knowledge of the traditions and philosophy of yoga.
Carefully designed for those who desire an in-depth training, this life-changing 3-month programme includes 100hrs of mentored self-study to prepare and support you as you learn how to share yoga with joy and compassion. Rooted in an authentic understanding of the ‘Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga’, as well as a comprehensive exploration of asana, this course will guide you through traditional yoga philosophy, meditation techniques, mantra, spiritual practice, and how to live a rich yogic lifestyle on and off the mat. By gaining a deeper understanding of yoga philosophy over the course you will experience a conscious awakening which will further enable you to teach from the heart. Throughout the course we encourage you to be creative and bring your intuition and life experience onto the mat.
If you are seeking to fully immerse yourself in your yoga journey and develop a spiritual practice which will ultimately steer you closer to your true self, then this course is for you.


For anyone looking to take the plunge into a deep and transformational course this is for you! You will complete the course feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually stronger with a new tribe of beautiful and supportive friends. The course exceeded all expectations and was led by Catia – a wonderful, creative, funny, beautiful and inspirational senior teacher. These last 11 weekends have been an intense life changing experience- right up there in the best things I’ve ever done! I am more than ready to take my next step into yoga teaching. (Chris)

My heart is full. The SPACE YTTC was honestly the most rewarding and empowering journey I have ever experienced. I was wearing a heavy layer of self doubt on the first day I arrived. However through constant reassurance and the courage to accept where I was at, you allowed me to just be, and continued to guide me to uncover all that is within. Catia, my amazing mentor and teacher, you are a humble goddess. The genuine effort the whole faculty poured into each student was felt and reverberated from day one. 11 wonderful weeks with an authentic, energetic and loving team.The course was an excellent investment and great value for money and I highly recommend the SPACE YTTC. (Ange)

Application requirements

Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years consistent yoga practice. Attendance for all course modules is compulsory and graduation depends on successful completion of all elements of the course.

Applicants must also read one foundational text, The Eight Limbs of Yoga by Stuart Ray Sarbacker, and submit a 1000 word summary on the text before the course begins.

Course content

Course Leader & Philosophy: CATIA LEITE-BEDWELL

Course Leader & Anatomy: SUJITRA KASEMRAT (Cherry Bennalick)

Admin/Teaching: JOHN BEDWELL 


Business & Branding: TAMARA KLIEN

The course will run over 5 diverse weekends at SPACE and a 10 day intensive in Portugal, and include:

  • Introduction to the yoga philosophy of the main schools of yoga, as well as the evolution of modern/Western postural yoga;
  • Led asana, pranayama and meditation practice;
  • Examination of your own practice as a foundation for your teaching, including:  commitment to self-practice, reflective practices, teaching practice and class observations;
  • Basic Sanskrit
  • Deconstruction of key postures, alignment and modifications;
  • Ethical and sensitive verbal and manual assists;
  • Guided practice of pranayama, meditation, kriyas and chanting;
  • Savasana and restorative practices;
  • Teaching methodology – how to use your voice with confidence and authenticity and how to use relatable language;
  • Smart sequencing and curriculum planning;
  • Working as a yoga teacher;
  • Foundational anatomy and physiology in relation to yoga;
  • How to teach in a Vinyasa Flow style that is effective, inspiring and suitable for your students.

Each student will be assigned a mentor for the course, and there will be 100 hours advised non-contact time consisting of:

  • Reading and assignments
  • Class/workshop attendance
  • Home practice
  • Class observations
  • Assisting
  • Mentor/study meetings
  • 2 class teaching observations

Accreditation & Terms/Conditions

Fully recognised by Yoga Alliance Professionals we are committed to providing each trainee with a comprehensive programme, providing tools to develop your curiosity, evolution as a practitioner, and abilities to be an effective and powerful instructor.

On successful completion of the course (attendance, assignments, assessment and practice log) students will receive the SPACE Yoga School Foundational Teacher Training Certificate (200hr).

Practice experience & application

Students must have been practicing for a minimum of 2 years. All students will have to fill in an application to outline intentions and experience and submit an essay set by course tutors.


A £500 non-refundable deposit will secure the place and the balance must be paid in full 4 weeks before the course starts. SPACE Yoga reserve the right to withhold the place if full payment is not received before the start date (exceptional circumstances will be considered).

All contact hours, manual and assessment are included in the cost. Travel, accommodation, food, and insurance are not included.

Refund policy

Refunds are not available for those who decide to not continue with the course (exceptional circumstances will be considered). Students should email SPACE Yoga Studio if they decide to leave the course.


Punctual attendance and a minimum of 90% of the course must be attended in order to successfully complete the course. Trainees may be required to re-take modules in order to pass.  The school reserves the right to charge additional fees for these catch up modules/sessions/assessments.

Successful applicants should be in good physical and mental health and have stable personal circumstances to complete this course with the focus and dedication it requires.

Students will be expected to have a regular practice and keep a diary/journal throughout the entirety of the course in addition to contact hours.

Complaints procedure

Students should follow the process below should an issue arise:

  1. Talk to nominated course mentor regarding issue (informal).  If issue is with that tutor, students will be expected to talk to the second course leader.
  2. Meeting with both course tutors (student will be advised to bring support with them).
  3. Written complaint via email to Space Yoga Studio which will be responded to within 7 days
  4. Complaints will remain anonymous unless there is unsafe behaviour that needs to be referred to other professionals.
  5. Space yoga will provide an answer/solution where possible within 7 days.  If this is not possible, the school will provide reasons why and a possible route forward.

Code of conduct

By entering the SPACE Yoga Foundational Teacher Training course I agree to the code of conduct of acceptable, ethical and professional behaviour listed (but not limited to) the following in conjunction with the teaching and business of yoga. I will;

  • conduct myself in a professional and conscientious manner
  • ensure that my practices and behaviour conform to the representations I make about myself in holding myself out as a yoga practitioner.
  • seek development of skills, experience and practice where appropriate
  • provide the public with safe and effective yoga teaching
  • Create and maintain a safe and clean environment for the practice and teaching of yoga
  • Encourage diversity by respecting all students regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation
  • Respect the rights and privacy of students
  • Refer students to alternative instruction /advice which may be more appropriate should my skills be limited.
  • Avoid words and actions that constitute sexual misconduct
  • Adhere to the traditional yoga principles as written in the Yamas and Niyamas.
  • Follow all local government and national laws that pertain to my yoga teaching and business.

I agree to comply with the conditions and requirements as set out in the SPACE Yoga course curriculum, and accept that failure to do so will disqualify me from any accreditation. I commit to upholding the standards of the teachings I have been given, and to maintain and promote the good name of yoga and SPACE Yoga Studio and its course tutors at all times. I accept that failure to do so may result in annulment of the accreditation of or partaking of the course.

As a student of your training course, I consent to my contact details (name, email and phone number) being passed onto our partners, Yoga Alliance Professionals, so they can contact me directly and invite me to register as a Trainee and Teacher. I understand that I have the option of opting out of this registration process.

Course dates

The next SPACE YTTC will take place between April 25th and June 8th 2025. You will spend 5 weekends at SPACE Yoga Studio and a wonderful 10 day intensive at ADAMAE RETREAT CENTRE. The fees are fully inclusive of accommodation and all meals at ADAMAE.

April 25-27 SPACE (including Friday)

May 3-4 SPACE

May 9-19 ADAMAE (10 Day Intensive Retreat)

May 24-25 SPACE

May 31 – June 1 SPACE

June 6-8 SPACE (Exams)




Spaces are limited. Prices include a fully immersive 10 days at ADAMAE RETREAT CENTRE in Portugal. Flights not included. To book your spot we ask for a £500 non-refundable deposit.


£3250 – Triple Room

£3400 – Double Room 

£3600 – Single Room

The fees are fully inclusive of accommodation and all meals at ADAMAE. 

Payments are made by bank transfer on request. You are welcome to pay your remaining balance in instalments.

To pay your deposit or for more information, please email John, Catia & Cherry:

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