

Jasmine completed her first training in Ashtanga Vinyasa in India in 2019 after ending her love affair with the performing arts. Despite the Pandemic having other plans, she has taught Vinyasa, Yin and Yoga Nidra in studios across Brighton, Lewes and online ever since. A curiously minded student first and foremost with a passion for anatomy, biomechanics and the subtler energetics of somatic movement and breath, she continues her Yoga studies and has trained with teachers such as Jason Crandell, Leslie Kaminoff and Celeste Pereira.

Her Vinyasa classes infuse a steady and rhythmic breath with a strong and soulful exploration of Asana, mindful observation and a sense of curiosity. For Jasmine the Yoga practice is like unrolling a mirror that offers us the opportunity to see with better clarity, not only the physicality of our practice but our mental, spiritual and emotional landscapes too.

Ultimately, Jasmine is passionate about facilitating a compassionate and non-dogmatic space where all are encouraged to inquire and possibly have a giggle or two in the process. Jasmine loves to share the transformative power that the simple act of practice in repetition can have on each of us and the global collective; through this, we all have the power to create greater meaning in our lives.